About us
Sunshine International Arts (S.i.A)
S.i.A has contributed to the arts in England since 2002.
Registered Charity no. 1119236. Company registration 4544572.
We are one of the leading artistic, educational and carnival production companies in the UK. Based in South London, Loughborough Junction, Brixton, we run an arts-oriented community centre Carnival-Arts-For-Everyone (C.A.F.E.)
S.i.A specialises in carnival arts and works extensively within local, regional, national and international contexts. The company enables emerging local artists and arts organisations/groups across all disciplines to access affordable space and opportunities through cultural exchanges and collaborative projects.
S.i.A is committed to inspiring the next generation through the art of carnival and traditional folklore in keeping with our motto off “Think Local”. This includes a variety of community outreach projects and workshops ranging from children to adults’ arts, crafts and culture workshops, including creative dance and holistic health workshops, geared to and inclusive of all capacities and levels of engagement.
At a local level the company develops and delivers arts events and cultural projects alongside local council minority groups, low-income communities, play-schemes, youth groups, arts organisations, the elderly, regeneration agencies, the voluntary sector and educational establishments.
Since 2021, working with our motto “Think Local”, S.i.A has taken further focus on nurturing the potential of our local arts and creative community, offering workshops residencies and mentorship to emerging artists through our initiative #BiGweeKendS.
S.i.A also serves as a platform for the history and culture of CARNIVAL ARTS. We are committed to continuing this practice to the highest standard possible.