Gangajal “Holy Water” 2001 Created for South Connection Mas Band
“Holy Water”
We, the people from deep within,
brought with us the vision of life,
different ritual, different life styles.
Our Roots.
from beginning to the end,
Creating Life,
circling, spiraling to the never ending place
We Call The Unknown.
We the water people worship and live by her
The River
from sunrise to sunset,
she creates the purification of life
Cleansing our soul
transcending our spirits to the higher level, the place unknown
We The People
who lives around, within and on her
worship her strength, her power and her force,
it lives within us
River Water Holi Water.
Our mother who gives us life
replenishing, nourish and sustaining the earth,
full of life and destruction
She Is Mother, She Is The Maker
soothing and relaxing the river takes us to, a calm and serene state of mind
losing your thought to the deepest enchanting world of
Harmony, Peace, Love and Togetherness.
one family, one life, one love.
We Enter The Realm Of
our souls and our spiritual inner peace and the land of our goals
Where It Ends No One Knows
Ray Allan Mahabir
Act 1
Dawn, The New Day.
Golden Rays of Sunlight.
We enter: ‘The garden of the earthly delights’. We are led to the ‘Holy River’ to purify our souls nd the spirits of the sins of this world, sins we posses.
‘Lord of Dance and the Forbidden Fruit’,
The river is crystal clear and muddy brown but most of all it is pure, sacred and holy with a deep belief of spirituality and heavenly embodiment.
Act 2
Baptism, The Purification,
The Giver of Life
“O Lord, this man is impure, like the mud of this river! But do thou cleanse and deliver his soul from sin as the water cleanses his body”.
‘The Original Sin’ with ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ are led to the ‘Holy River’.
Floating like the Lotus, which symbolizes man’s spiritual evolution. “The roots in the mud represent his lower nature, the stem rising through water his intuitive search, and the flower blossoming in the sun light self-realisation”.
Act 3
Dusk, The Final Rites,
The Bejeweled Dancer
Our body is just the outer garment of the individual, the real self, our soul and spirit goes forth. We enter ‘The Land of Milk and Honey’.
A new beginning, free of the sins we originally possessed. Life is now reincarnated. The cycle of life is completed when a person manages to live life free from selfish desires, hate, greed and envy. Free from the material things of the world, the be or she can achieve Moksha the liberation of transmigration.
Peace, love and togetherness …Ray Allan Mahabir