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Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events
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What we have planned for August 2020…

What we have planned for August 2020…

What we have planned for August 2020…

What we have planned for August 2020…

What we have planned for August 2020…

Canboulay Riots- #siasummer20nhc

Carl Gabriel: from mas band to museum. #NHCpioneer #siasummer20nhc

Moko Jumbie #siasummer20nhc

Moko Jumbie

Trinidad was originally called Kairi which is Kalinago for “Land of the Hummingbirds”

1979-2020 look out for de story!! Ray Allan Mahabir


#siasummer20nhc Ole time carnival Trinidad and Tobago

A wide variety of costumes (called “mas”)

Lincoln Rahamut #NHCpioneer #siasummer20nhc

From Drums to Tamboo Bamboo to Sweet Steel- The genesis of the steelband By Selwyn Taradath

Darcus Howe: British Black Panther

Calypso- Kaiso music has its origins in West Africa (particularly in present-day Nigeria) and in the Kingdom of Kongo and was brought over by the enslaved Africans,

Notting Hill Carnival History: How Race Riots Inspired London’s Caribbean Carnival, Chloe-Rose Crabtree

Notting Hill Carnival — the untold story ISHMAHIL BLAGROVE JR

2000 Canboulay, out of the fire comes ?

Avion Mookram “I remember Carnival Monday/Tuesday February 1954”

Alwin Chow Lin On,

From October 2020 -Creative Spaces For Hire at C.A.F.E.

Mahogany Arts- a group of multi-disciplinary artist. #NHCpioneer #siasummer20nhc

THE BLACK ART OF MAKING MAS Welcome to Glorious Backstage Arts

Flamingo Carnival Arts was founded in 1983.#siasummer20nhc #siafamilymystory #NHCpioneer

Nelson Island and Indian Indentureship in Trinidad. My Roots and My culture.


Ray the story part 2 #siasummer20nhc

The Making of Ma Ma La Terre performed by Avion Mookram 2000 #siasummer20nhc

MULANA ‘the art of people’  2001-2020 #siasummer20nhc 

In memory of the Jahagis

About Liverpool International Carnival 2016

International Slavery Museum, Sailor Mas costume 2007 #siasummer20nhc

Neil Macey from ‘De hill’ to Hackney  #siasummer20nhc 

Minshall… A Ship of Fools 2003 

La Bel- Commission for the British Liberty exhibition 2015. #siasummer20nhc

Reach the Unreachable Kenya 2019 – 

Sunshine’s NHC 2020 Statement

Beeraahaar Sweet Combination #NHCpioneer #siasummer20nhc

Freedom – Family – Fun! What does Carnival mean to you?#siasummer20nhc #siafamilymystory

Dr. Claire Holder – Future of the Notting Hill Carnival

What a normal summer looks like for S.i.A #siafamilymystory

Master of the mas…Jonathan Ali

The history of paradise: on Peter Minshall’s Paradise Lost

How did I become a carnivalist? – Celia Burgess Macey

1983. Meeting the Midnight Robber Celia Burgess Macey

The stories: The people: look our for S.i.A Family telling their stories #siafamilymystory

The birth of a Mas Band -Sunshine International Arts (S.i.A) 2008-2020 NHC

Gangajal- “Holy Water” Created for South Connection 2001

The Parade To Notting HillDirected by Buster Grey-Jung

OIL SLICK , Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea  2015 

2017 NHC Theme Revealed!!!…LO¥€…Exit stage left…De@th oF c@rn1¥@L

…Dance of Jouvert… AFRICAN spirits We de people, of this EARTH 2018

NHC 2018 We On De Road !

MASCYCLE ….Ah maS aH cOlour…a drop in the ocean… A SHOWCASE OF UPCYCLED COSTUMES FROM 2007-2018

Artist and the people – #comingsoon #siasummer20nhc#siafamilymystory DE Crew S.i.A

Mas Band on DE Road 

The future Family Day NHC

The big day – Adults day NHC

“Crick Crack Monkey break he back for ah piece ah pomerac” THE STORY CONTINUES APRIL 2021

“Crick Crack Monkey break he back for ah piece ah pomerac” THE STORY CONTINUES APRIL 2021

SEPTEMBER 2020 .The stories

Jackie- my parents are from Jamaica and I was born in England. First time in Carnival !

SEPTEMBER 2020 .The stories

Thisbe – I fell in love with the power of carnival as an artform and mode of self-expression.

SEPTEMBER 2020 .The stories

SHREEYA I grew up in a very traditional conservative Gujarati family- from the moment I heard soca music I fell in love with it

SEPTEMBER 2020 .The stories

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